Treatment Subjects

Normal Chest
The pectoral line is apparent, and there is no sagging in the chest.

Chest with Gynecomastia
The chest protrudes and the lower portion droops down, making it look similar to female breasts.
Gynecomastia Surgery
Highest Class Surgery Cases
High Level of Skill
Precision Fine Suturing
Custom Chest
Trueman Custom Gynecomastia Surgery
1 in Korea in the number of gynecomastia surgeries for 4 consecutive years
More than 40% gynecomastia surgeries nationwide have been performed for 4 consecutive years
Top-ranked number of surgeries, top-ranked surgical skills
In 2021 alone, total 4,820 cases of gynecomastia surgeries were performed, and there were 12 cases reoperation confirmed.
Based on the sum of patients who
underwent reoperation within one
year from the date of surgery
among those who underwent
gynecomastia surgery between
January 1, 2021 to December 31,
2021, in all branches
Definition of reoperation
Surgery performed to improve the
patient’s unsatisfactory due to
surgical defect on the operating
surgeon’s side is defined as
Statistical basis
Collects the cases of reoperation
within 1 year out of total number
of gynecomastia surgeries in 2021
in 10 Trueman branches, and
receives a confirmation letter from
each branch.
Reoperation rate within 1 year among 4,820 customers
who underwent gynecomastia surgery in all branches in 2021 is 0.25% or less
You can check Trueman’s excellent surgical skills through the gynecomastia
reoperation statistics in 2021.
Gynecomastia Surgery Process

(We use precision fine suturing or skin bond to leave the smallest signs possible.)

Truman’s gynecomastia surgery was reported
in more than 180 media in more than 50 countries.
Before and After Gynecomastia Surgery
Type 1. Obese Body Type
Relatively high proportion of fat tissue

Type 2. Normal Body Type
Intermediate proportion of fat and breast tissue

Type 3. Skinny Body Type
Relatively high proportion of breast tissue

Why Trueman?

(Compression Garment)